It was the day of my birthday. I felt incredibly special and touched to see my closest friends sitting around the table prepared to celebrate me. As we gathered together to celebrate another year of life, one of my girlfriends turned to me and said “we cant start the party yet!” I looked on puzzled and confused until I caught a glimpse of my friend holding a pillow with a crown. She held the pillow steady while my other friend placed the tiara on my head. After being “officially” crowned another friend shouted “now we can start the party!”
Over the course of the day I felt truly special. I even noticed a change in how I carried myself. With my crown I was decisive, self assured, and exuded confidence. After celebrating I returned home and noticed that I didn’t want to take my crown off. Why was that? It was just a silly party favor. Silly party favor or not I felt great wearing it.
The following day I woke up and the first thing I did was place my crown on my head. I looked in the mirror and laughed to myself as I decided to wear it throughout the day. This time I wasn’t dressed up at a fancy restaurant with close friends celebrating me. This time the crown was my doing and something I decided to wear with sweats and a hoodie.
I spent the day running errands with my crown firmly placed on my head. After some time I even forgot that I was wearing it. The one thing that reminded me was the way in which people responded to me. All day strangers stopped me and told me “I love your crown!” I was bombarded with positive affirmations from strangers as well as a few questions about where I bought my crown. Surprisingly, no one questioned why I even had it on. In fact, it was the opposite! I even had little girls approach me telling me how much they loved my “princess crown.”
After returning home I decided to give the significance of a crown more thought. As children we are taught that we are kings, queens, princes, and princesses. When we are young we dress up and assume that we can do or be anything. As we grow older, life can chip away at our confidence, poke at our insecurities, silence our dreams and reveal who we are not opposed to affirming who we are.
Simply put, the crown was a visible reminder of who I am on the inside without the presence of fear. When fear is not present I am worthy, loving, confident, assured, talented and whole. When fear is present I feel unworthy, insecure, unsure of self, and doubtful. For me, the crown wasn’t so much a sign of position but rather confirmation of who I am along with the gifts and talents inside of me. Those same qualities that are sometimes buried when feeling insecure and unworthy.
Now, I no longer need the party favor that is also known as my birthday tiara. Every morning when I look in the mirror I affirm who I am and validate my self-worth. I write this with the hope of challenging you to do the same. Honor yourself daily by affirming that you are enough, you have greatness inside of you, and you can be who you work to become. Never underestimate the power of who you are and the unique gifts and talents that have been bestowed to you. You are indeed special! Lastly, when approaching this journey called life, don’t forget your crown and never leave home without it!
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Dr. Heather Jett is a Psychologist and Life Coach with a private practice in Newport Beach, CA. Her practice provides individual, couples, and family therapy to persons who are seeking a directive approach. She also enjoys working as a Life and Leadership coach helping others to reach their fullest potential. She personally enjoys the opportunity to connect with readers through her writings to encourage clients to attain their personal breakthrough!