I am in sheer disbelief that we are about to enter into November. Like many of you I find myself asking “where did the time go?” When I take a moment to review the last 10 months I find myself thinking about the many unforeseen challenges and unexpected changes that have occurred throughout the year. Never could I have predicted some of the experiences that I have had this year nor could I have imagined the ways that I would grow. While I didn’t exactly meet every goal that I set on New Year’s Day, I have indeed survived. I am stronger, wiser, and better.
This year has pushed many of us to dig our heels into life in ways we never thought. Whether it was an unexpected move, change in jobs, loss of friendships or a sudden end of a relationship, we have all been challenged and tested in our own ways. For some, the tests have left us feeling weary and tired from the drain of life.
As we enter into the last few months of the year I want to highlight that we still have time. We have time to dream and to plan. We have time to work towards our set goals. We have time to put back into ourselves, to nourish, and replenish. We have time to take the necessary steps that bring us closer to the life that we want. We have time to reset, reposition, and refocus. Most importantly, we have time to get back in the race and make our lives count!
Dr. Heather Jett is a Psychologist and Life Coach with a private practice in Newport Beach, CA. Her practice provides individual, couples, and family therapy to persons who are seeking a directive approach. She also enjoys working as a Life and Leadership coach helping others to reach their fullest potential. She personally enjoys the opportunity to connect with readers through her writings to encourage clients to attain their personal breakthrough!