Have you ever had a big dream but felt like you didn’t have what you needed to achieve it? Have you had a disruptive nudge that keeps urging you to move forward but then you look at your circumstances and feel discouraged? Have you left a situation only to feel stuck? Do you spend your days focusing on what you could’ve accomplished instead of what is in front of you? If so I am here today to tell you that you don’t need what you think you need in order to fulfill your purpose and achieve your dreams. In fact, you have everything you need at this very moment to accomplish what is before you and move forward toward your future.
Inside of all of us we have dreams that we would like to see become reality. Many times what keeps us from moving forward into our next season is the pull to focus on what we don’t have. It is during those times that we can give our greatest attention to the wrong details. Don’t get me wrong, we must evaluate and assess our needs in order to be successful. But in our evaluation we cannot focus in on what is not available to us and allow lack to direct our energy. Remember, whatever we focus on has the power to develop. Instead we must assess our needs and focus on what is currently available to us. As we walk through our current situations more of what we actually need (not necessarily what we want) will become available to us because of the shift in our perspective.
Any time I have had a big dream there were big obstacles to overcome. If there weren’t it wouldn’t be a dream but a simple goal to achieve. During the times when we feel that we have the least we are required to focus on what we do have instead of allowing what we don’t have to steer our perspective.
Today I urge you to take inventory on what you allow yourself to focus on daily. Are you rehearsing what you don’t have and what you can never be? Or are you reinforcing positive statements about your worth, value, and purpose? If you are heading in the wrong direction it is time to make a u-turn. Now is the time to reach within yourself and affirm that you have everything you need to accomplish what is set before you. Be intentional about what you focus your attention on. Your future depends on it.
Dr. Heather Jett is a Psychologist and Life Coach with a private practice in Newport Beach, CA. Her practice provides individual, couples, and family therapy to persons who are seeking a directive approach. She also enjoys working as a Life and Leadership coach helping others to reach their fullest potential. She personally enjoys the opportunity to connect with readers through her writings to encourage clients to attain their personal breakthrough!